Can You Copyright Your Brand? Trademark Your Original Content? No -- But You Can Protect Them.

I've had clients and others come to me for years asking me to copyright their brands/names, and trademark their songs, scripts, and other original creative works and content. While there are strong ways to protect these valuable assets, I've learned the majority of people don't understand the differences between copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secrets, and what they protect.

So, instead of a laborious explanation of their purposes and differences between them, I created an infographic explaining these, and what protection each provides. You can access the infographic here.

I'm happy to discuss any of this in more detail, including how extremely important it is to protect your valuable creative assets as soon as they’re created, and why.


Just Sayin’ TM

(c) 2024 Paul I. Menes


Breaking Up In Hard To Do – Especially Where A Brand Is Involved


The Problem With (and Solution To) Filming In Public Spaces