By: Paul I. Menes
Just Sayin’ . . .™ Blog
A blog about what you need to know now and why.
I find most blogs and newsletters lawyers write aren’t practical. They tend to be dry, boring, self-congratulatory, and usually deleted without reading. Just Sayin’ . . .™ is a different kind of blog.
Its aim is to go straight to your bottom line—strategically, financially, and professionally. Just Sayin’ …™ will point out current issues and situations I think you need to be aware of and provide in plain English simple, practical advice and solutions to deal with those issues and situations.
Its goal is to help you stay out of trouble so you can continue to grow your business and prosper. It’s far less expensive to prevent a problem than to deal with it after occurs (which often involves very expensive legal fees and lawsuits).
While my blog will be regular, it won’t be on some artificial schedule. I’ll write it when I think there’s something you need to know that can affect you and your business. Hope you find it useful. Thanks!
DISCLAIMER. The information in this Just Sayin' section is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion. It may not necessarily reflect the most current legal developments. You must seek the advice of the legal counsel of your choice before acting upon any of the information displayed here.
The views expressed in this Just Sayin' section are those of Paul I. Menes writing in his individual capacity. They may not be the views of Telikos Law Corporation as a law firm.
Virtually Sustainable? The Current Viability of Virtual Influencers
Virtual influencers (“VI”), those creations of CGI and artificial intelligence (“AI”), were the rage and “next big thing” in influencers when the first one, Miquela Sousa, a/k/a Lil Miquela, stormed the Internet in 2016.